I'm woken up by the howling of the wind. I get up and flip the light switch. Nothing. I flip it up and down a couple more times. The power is out. I head downstairs to see my family sitting in the living room. They've come to the same realization. Once we had come to terms with the current situation, we went into strategy mode. The basement was flooded and branches littered the yard. But first, breakfast. Father started making some bacon on the propane-powered grill outside. I played some music that I had downloaded on the speaker outside. The crack of tree branches could be heard in the distance. Some much closer. We decided to head out for supplies. Most of the roads were blocked. Trees were toppled over, some across the roads, some on houses, and some trees that took power lines down with them. Large areas of what used to be land was now flooded. The power lights were out, so it was a metaphorical free-for-all. We managed to get to a local hardware store and purchase a power inverter. Everyone was sold out of generators. Most grocery stores were either deserted or at full capacity. We began making the journey back home.